Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Latest Addition

Cameron and I went out to play in the snow while Anya took her nap. Leanna said she went to sleep after just a couple of minutes. That's good news. After Cam and I were sufficiently frozen in the six below temperatures, we came in and got something to eat at the restaurant.

Afterward we came to the room and started watching a movie we borrowed from Jamie and Colin. We were interrupted by Oksana, who was down in the lobby and had some papers she had prepared for us. She had translated all the papers we need to get notarized before we got to the consulate in Moscow. She is so good at taking care of everything for us, and takes all the little stresses of the adoptive parents in stride. I guess if this si what you do for a living, it is no big deal. Sorta like a brain surgeon or a bomb defuser. Just another day at the office... She says we will go downtown tomorrow at two and get these things done.

The neat news was that Jamie and Colin went and got their son Jake from the orphanage. A phone call to them revealed that, and they have had a good first day with them. We still have the bottle of champagne we bought the first day here and we have been saving it to share with them when they got Jake, so looks like we have plans for that tonight.

We took a ton of photos of Anya to try to get the passport quality photo we need. She is cute and adorable, but not very prone to sitting still and looking straight into a camera. After about fifteen attempts, Oksana says she had enough to work with and we'd see tomorrow what she got. We can always stop at a photographer after the notary tomorrow.

More pics to download tomorrow...

BTW I'm having problems with my email account. Mediacom chose the WORST time to change and upgrade (supposedly) their format. So I may not get updates and emails, you have been sending. Just send me a message on FB and I'll get the notification there. Much Thanks!


  1. What a wonderful Christmas Present!!! We are all thinking about you all and praying everything is well. Cant wait to meet the new edition to your family. Have a safe trip home. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS. Love, Brandy, Susan, and Sharee

  2. I am so happy for yall! The pictures are great!! Cameron you are such a great big brother!! Can't wait to see you
    Love ya Leana


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